BLOG: Phonics Screening done... What next?

It is coming to the end of the year and the Phonics Screening Check is complete! If you are a year 1 teacher like me, you might have taken a sigh of relief and then be asking yourself what is next!? Do I carry on with Phonics? Do I start spelling and grammar?

I have some children in my class that are very ready to move onto phase 6 phonics and spelling and grammar, but some that are not. Some still need phase 3 and phase 5 phonics. So we are doing both!

We are continuing to have spelling practise of the 100 high frequency words that we need to know in year 1, but also we are filing gaps in knowledge that the Phonics Screening Check has highlighted.

This means that our day is pretty full, but we are focusing on specific things that the children need to know before they move into year 2.

If you are like me and have a range of different children in your class, make sure you know what specific things your children need to know to help move their learning forward. Where are their grey areas and how can you adapt your teaching over the last few weeks to help them?

In order to assess the children I have been completing independent spelling and reading during class, so I am able to see clear gaps in knowledge. For other children that are very good at masquerading their gaps, we have used the Fonics app to track their progress and this has allowed me tailor lessons specifically to certain children.

If you haven't already downloaded it, you can download Fonics here 

Only 5 weeks left until the end of term, every moment counts, make your lessons count!