Alphabet Sounds | Handwriting and Drawing | Age 4+

Copy the word, read the word and draw a picture. 19 pages!


This is resource is so great because you can use it in phonics lessons or handwriting lessons!


What is covered?

Our Decodable Phonics Flashcards cover simple letter sounds, two letter digraphs and three letter trigraphs. They cover phases 2-5 of letters and sounds.


What is included?

15+ pages of Simple CVC Letter Sounds with Handwriting and Drawing. Each page asks the student to practice handwriting and word picture recognition.


Simple CVC Letter Sounds with Handwriting and Drawing Lesson Ideas

These are great to use to practice different phonics skills and handwriting skills! They can even be used in a handwriting lesson as the main learning opportunity. 


Simple CVC Letter Sounds with Handwriting and Drawing


Simple CVC Letter Sounds with Handwriting and Drawing

Why not use our online phonics games to reinforce your target sound in the starter or plenary of your lesson? Take a look at our Phonics Sound Story Starters for another great way to start or end your phonics lessons!

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